Help The US 29er Class Association
Upcoming Events
There are currently no upcoming events. Please check back soon for updates.
Welcome back!
We have made some changes to our system since you last logged in.
When you login you should see new menu options for My People, My Membership, My Boats, and My Profile.
Selecting My People will display a list of people associated with your account. If you need to update the details for someone, you select them from the list.
Selecting My Boats will display a list of the boats you have created in your account, and allow you to update and delete them. You use boats to enter events and you usually have one per sailor (although you can have as many as you like).
Selecting My Membership will display details of your membership, and allow you to update and renew it.
Selecting My Profile displays your profile details, including your user credentials, and allows you to update them.